Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Phoenx Zoo!!!

Jackson and I were invited to go and visit the zoo with one of Jackson's ex school mates from the Child Development Center at school. Miles is now a big brother to two beautiful twin sisters and his mommy is lucky enough to be able to stay at at home with the three of them!!! I must confess I am 70% jealous of her and 30% feel for her.
I always thought that it would be so amazing to stay at home and be that mom, however...being a mom is so hard at times yet so rewarding!
 Do not get me wrong I LoVe spending time with Jackson HOWEVER I also LOVE my time away; even if it is behind a desk adjusting claims.  I feel that it makes me a better mom and a better more balanced person.
NEVER did I EVER think I would say that...let alone on "Jackson's Blog" but I am truthful and honest and I think a lot of mom's would agree....
Anywho, Michele is a member to the Phoenix Zoo and suggested we get the boys together for a play date and what better place than the Phoenix Zoo?!?!?
Yes, it was hot...very hot however we met at 9am and left around 12 so we were "beating the heat"
You don't beat the heat in AZ!!!!

Jackson was extremely excited to see his long lost buddy, we met on the bridge in front of the entrance to the zoo. Jackson enjoyed the turtle pond while we waited for Miles.

Michele showed up with a "limo" stroller that could fit 3. SHE is amazing and oh so brave!!!
I am sorry I did not get a photo of the girls, but take my word they are absolutely beautiful in every way! They were 10 weeks old and sooo good.
Makes me miss having a baby, yet I am ok with JUST least for right now!

Enjoy the photos from our visit to the Zoo!

Jackson waiting for Miles...
yet enjoying the turtle pond!!! 
A turtle family swimming around
This little guy had his head so far above water it looked uncomfortable!
Turtles amaze me...Especially WATER turtles.
Imagine swimming with YOUR house on your back!
1st stop... Giraffes
Giraffs' amaze me... What a body!!!
Lucky us we got to the Zoo just in time to feed the Giraffes their breakfast...
I would NEVER have breakfast if I were a Giraffe! 
Pit stop ...
On our way to the Giraffe feeding we stopped to see a baby Fox
Still to this day Miles talks about this baby Fox...per his Momma's texts! 
Miles and Jackson waiting as patiently as two 2 year olds could...
I must admit Miles is way more patient than Jackson...
My little man is a runner, a climber and an explorer!

You can tell in this photo that Jackson is SOOO over waiting to feed the Giraffes...
in his favor it was HOT and it was about a 15-20 minute wait 
Time to feed the Giraffe.
Jackson had no fear...
Meeting the Giraffe...
We renamed him Garold the Giraffe
...from the children's book
Giraffe's Can't Dance
We learned that Giraffes have LONG tongues... 
...but the are gentle and LOVE to be fed!
Jackson was amazed and wanted to continue to feed this
gentle giant. 
Miles was a pro at feeding "Garold too"!
The "zoo keeper" was so helpful
and encouraged the boys to feed Garold. 
"Garold" enjoying his breakfast...
I am sorry Garold, you are a real champ...salad to me is NOT
on the top of my list for breakfast! 
The Boys and the "Zoo Keeper" 
The "Zoo Keeper" also is a photographer!
Jackson, Me and Miles
Jackson "dragging" Miles to see the next animal
Miles didn't know what hit him, he is so calm compared to Jackson!

Ready to leave the Giraffes and go see the TIGERS! 
Mr Stripes was laying out in the morning sun...
Tigers are very LARGE...
Miles and his Momma enjoying the Tiger 
Jackson enjoying his juice and Miles
Here we are at the Rhinos... 
Miles' is MR. HAPPY!!!
Cutie boy!!! 
Jackson in the photo booth... 
Rhinos...they were hitting horns and "fighting"
very interesting to watch 
Next...WaTeR tImE!!!
Even the zoo has a splash pad!!!
Jackson LOVES splash pads! 
This one even has a slide! 
It was hard to keep up with Jackson.
He loved every moment of the new splash pad!!! 
Visiting the monkeys...
You can see it was starting to get hot, the boys were starting to sweat :-(

Hard to get two 2 year olds to look at the camera at the same time!
Miles and Jackson
2 years old
Momma and Jackson going for a carousal ride

...perfect ending to a PERFECT day!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

meet TANK

As promised…since Jackson uses the big boy potty and no more diapers, tonight he got his fish! However it was not as easy as one would have imagined.
Tonight after I picked him up I had enough courage to go and get a bowl and rocks for the new soon to be fish. Jackson and I went over to Hobby Lobby to get a fish bowl and rocks. Everything was running smoothly UNTIL it came time to check out. I originally had him walk into the store and HOLD my hand, well that was short lived. We picked out a bowl (which was 50% off, big plus) and rocks. From there it went downhill. He no longer wanted to hold my hand and wanted to run all over OR carry the GLASS bowl. At this point I was kicking myself…”dumb lady what were you thinking”? Finally I convinced Jackson to get into a cart and we would go pay for our items.  He told me he was going to use Jack’s money”. I was surprised by this and asked Jackson where his money was (thinking his response would be in mommy’s wallet) but he told me his pocket! TRUST ME I checked his pockets hoping and praying I would find some money in there…to my luck…NONE.
As we were waiting in the enormously long and irritating line about 5 people back Jackson yells “Mommy, look at all of Jack’s potty…huge mess Mommy”. I wanted to DIE, crawl under any rock and disappear. Where in the book of “What to expect the 2nd Year” does it touch on this topic?!?!? Wait a minute does that book even exist? I never even read “What to expect the 1st year” However I was very loyal to “What to expect when you are expecting”, ‘cause HELLO I actually had all the time in the world to read a book to learn what was “next”. My motto currently is “If there is not an APP for it, then it’s not going to get researched”…hey,at least I am honest!!!!
Ok back to the puddle on the floor in the exchange only check out lane at Hobby Lobby. I thought, “keep calm and act like this is NOT a huge deal” while at the same time thinking, “are you even serious right now Jackson”?!?!? I opened my purse in search of some sort of “clean up huge amounts of pee in the exchange only check out lane rag”…I knew there was nothing in there, but I thought just look to make sure and pretend you are a fantastic and prepared Mom. Instead I opened a travel pack of wet wipes and pulled out a few. They did not even touch the flood on the floor. So I thought next things next. I went over to an empty lane and grabbed a wad, yes wad of paper that they wrap all the “breakables” in. I mopped up the floor in no time. The lady behind me was kind enough not to say anything or make a face that told me I “SUCKED” as a mother. FINALLY, I paid for our fish bowl and rocks…Jacksons reward for being a big boy?!?!? Really, he just peed in his pants while getting his reward. Something wrong here????
Finally we were at the car, I pulled his shorts down and took off his shoes and socks and put him in a pull up… Not that I was worried he would pee again but it was the only thing dry that I had. He demanded to hold the keys, usually I do not give them to him in fear of what is next…
As I slammed the door I went back to grab the handle remembering Jack had the keys and my purse with my phone was in the front seat. At the same EXACT time he pushed the button and all doors locked. After standing there for what felt like a few hours trying to coach him into what button to push on the remote. The lady who was parked next to me walked up. He was strapped in his car seat so I knew he would not go anywhere however feared he would throw the keys down. The both of us talked to Jackson through the window trying to coach him on what button to push. The ladies daughter pulled out a quarter and was like, “want a quarter, If yes push the UNLOCK button.” (like he knew what the  UNLOCK button was!!!!) But I really appreciated their company. I walked away from his window and walked over to the driver side door to make sure that door was not unlocked. I talked to him from the driver side and the other people were on his side. FINALLY he pushed the right button and unlocked the doors. I opened my door so fast I think it scared him. I thanked the lady and her daughter for their help and we both got into our cars. SHE drove away. I sat in the car…turned around and didn’t know what to say. He peed his pants earlier, however went 8 hours at school with NO accidents and then LOCKED himself in the car.
I took a deep breath and told him, “Jackson scared Mommy”. He looked at me and said “Mommy be happy” and gave me his cheesy smile. Then he said, “Mommy scared of Jackson’s potty”? I guess he really didn’t get it!!!! I laughed but was still very tense.
Anyways, after our events I called Justin and told him I WAS going to and get Jackson a fish however, the night got WAY too stressful. He agreed to going and picking out the beta fish and would be home shortly.
I bathed Jackson and got him ready for bed. He requested to wear his Reindeer pj’s and me being tired, I agreed. Soon the garage door opened…Justin had arrived with our newest member…TANK.
Jackson picked out this name. . . I asked him what he wanted to name his new fish, originally it was, “Goldfish, or Doggie” then randomly he said Tank. I thought he said Hank and was very impressed however he reiterated “T A N K” mommy.  
Meet Tank Hayes…
 The minute Jackson realized what was in the cup he yelled,
"Hi Tank, Hi Tank"
One Happy New Fish Owner 
Daddy and Jackson
Showing Jackson HOW to feed, Tank
 A welcoming kiss to Tank 
I think he is amazed 
Sticking his fingers in Tanks water...
we have some explaining to do.
Jackson just wanted to "PET" Tank... 
Jackson decided he needed to go Potty due to all the excitement...
Wanted Mommy to bring, Tank over and have Tank watch Jackson go potty
Daddy explaining how to care for Tank 

Tank's new home in the process...
placing the rocks

Not sure what this face is...
I love him and all his funny faces
One Happy Boy!!!!!
Pretty BOY...yes he's a BOY!!!
Filling the bowl with water

Putting Tank in his new home
"HELLO" Tank
Our little Monkey...
pretty sure we are going to have to watch Jackson around Tank!!!

What a milestone in the Hayes House.
I really cannot believe my little boy is out of diapers...hes is growing TOO fast.
I am so very proud of my big boy and look forward to the next big milestone...
It will go just that fast I am sure.

Welcome Home
Tank Hayes
I hope our home is very welcoming to you, I want to apologize in advance for a dirty bowl, little hands that may grab you, me forgetting to feed you and the occasional spit that may enter your bowl.
However, hopefully you will fit right in and not get flushed!