Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Phoenx Zoo!!!

Jackson and I were invited to go and visit the zoo with one of Jackson's ex school mates from the Child Development Center at school. Miles is now a big brother to two beautiful twin sisters and his mommy is lucky enough to be able to stay at at home with the three of them!!! I must confess I am 70% jealous of her and 30% feel for her.
I always thought that it would be so amazing to stay at home and be that mom, however...being a mom is so hard at times yet so rewarding!
 Do not get me wrong I LoVe spending time with Jackson HOWEVER I also LOVE my time away; even if it is behind a desk adjusting claims.  I feel that it makes me a better mom and a better more balanced person.
NEVER did I EVER think I would say that...let alone on "Jackson's Blog" but I am truthful and honest and I think a lot of mom's would agree....
Anywho, Michele is a member to the Phoenix Zoo and suggested we get the boys together for a play date and what better place than the Phoenix Zoo?!?!?
Yes, it was hot...very hot however we met at 9am and left around 12 so we were "beating the heat"
You don't beat the heat in AZ!!!!

Jackson was extremely excited to see his long lost buddy, we met on the bridge in front of the entrance to the zoo. Jackson enjoyed the turtle pond while we waited for Miles.

Michele showed up with a "limo" stroller that could fit 3. SHE is amazing and oh so brave!!!
I am sorry I did not get a photo of the girls, but take my word they are absolutely beautiful in every way! They were 10 weeks old and sooo good.
Makes me miss having a baby, yet I am ok with JUST least for right now!

Enjoy the photos from our visit to the Zoo!

Jackson waiting for Miles...
yet enjoying the turtle pond!!! 
A turtle family swimming around
This little guy had his head so far above water it looked uncomfortable!
Turtles amaze me...Especially WATER turtles.
Imagine swimming with YOUR house on your back!
1st stop... Giraffes
Giraffs' amaze me... What a body!!!
Lucky us we got to the Zoo just in time to feed the Giraffes their breakfast...
I would NEVER have breakfast if I were a Giraffe! 
Pit stop ...
On our way to the Giraffe feeding we stopped to see a baby Fox
Still to this day Miles talks about this baby Fox...per his Momma's texts! 
Miles and Jackson waiting as patiently as two 2 year olds could...
I must admit Miles is way more patient than Jackson...
My little man is a runner, a climber and an explorer!

You can tell in this photo that Jackson is SOOO over waiting to feed the Giraffes...
in his favor it was HOT and it was about a 15-20 minute wait 
Time to feed the Giraffe.
Jackson had no fear...
Meeting the Giraffe...
We renamed him Garold the Giraffe
...from the children's book
Giraffe's Can't Dance
We learned that Giraffes have LONG tongues... 
...but the are gentle and LOVE to be fed!
Jackson was amazed and wanted to continue to feed this
gentle giant. 
Miles was a pro at feeding "Garold too"!
The "zoo keeper" was so helpful
and encouraged the boys to feed Garold. 
"Garold" enjoying his breakfast...
I am sorry Garold, you are a real champ...salad to me is NOT
on the top of my list for breakfast! 
The Boys and the "Zoo Keeper" 
The "Zoo Keeper" also is a photographer!
Jackson, Me and Miles
Jackson "dragging" Miles to see the next animal
Miles didn't know what hit him, he is so calm compared to Jackson!

Ready to leave the Giraffes and go see the TIGERS! 
Mr Stripes was laying out in the morning sun...
Tigers are very LARGE...
Miles and his Momma enjoying the Tiger 
Jackson enjoying his juice and Miles
Here we are at the Rhinos... 
Miles' is MR. HAPPY!!!
Cutie boy!!! 
Jackson in the photo booth... 
Rhinos...they were hitting horns and "fighting"
very interesting to watch 
Next...WaTeR tImE!!!
Even the zoo has a splash pad!!!
Jackson LOVES splash pads! 
This one even has a slide! 
It was hard to keep up with Jackson.
He loved every moment of the new splash pad!!! 
Visiting the monkeys...
You can see it was starting to get hot, the boys were starting to sweat :-(

Hard to get two 2 year olds to look at the camera at the same time!
Miles and Jackson
2 years old
Momma and Jackson going for a carousal ride

...perfect ending to a PERFECT day!!!

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