Monday, October 17, 2011

New Chapter...New Beginnings...New Blog

I have made the decision to conclude this blog... "Home is where your story begins..." if you look at life as a chapter book there is obviously NEW chapters. Same story however, different chapters. Some times when you start a book you think you know how the story will end, however the more you read and explore the new chapters you realize the book is taking a totally different turn and the ending is not how you expected.  This is how I view life...but we are still very early in the book and we are not even close to the end!

Everything you experience in life molds who you are and how you handle change defines your character. Lots of change has happened, our story early on already has a different ending than what I expected. Many of you are aware of the changes I am talking about...for those of you who do not, Justin and I after 2 1/2 years of marriage have decided to end our marriage and continue our walk in life, separately. Never doing this before its hard to know what emotions this will bring, what obstacles this will put in our path and what heart ache it will cause. Divorce is never easy...

Jackson and I remain best of friends and snuggle buddies... He is growing all too fast and learning to adapt with the new changes that he is faced with. Please keep us in your thoughts and lift us up in prayer. Prayer for strength, guidance, compassion, fairness and an even stronger faith.

I do not want to delete this blog as there are memories, memories of good times and memories of well, questionable times. There is no edit button in life, it happens in "real time".

I am excited about the new adventures life will take Jackson and I on, and I have faith we will conquer any obstacle that life throws our way. Please continue to follow us via our new blog..."it may be a CrAzY life...but its OuR life" and marvel with me on how fast my little man is growing up.

So here's to new beginnings and happier endings...Cheers!
our new blog:

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