Friday, January 7, 2011


2011- "This is the year that I will start blogging..." My new years resolution!
I started a blog back when I was home on maternity leave however, 2 years later it has only 2 posts.

Already in 2011 I have thought of 1,000 different topics, stories and quotes that I could have posted. Yet now that I am sitting here everything has escaped me.

Jackson is officially 2 years old. Now for the famous question, "Where did the time go?" Well, I will tell you... it went to playing with rattles, changing diapers, pumping, cleaning bottles, playing peek-a-boo, giving bubble baths, sleepless nights, introducing solids, learning to walk, teething, drying tears, 1st words, trips to the cabin, surviving 1st day a day care, trip back east, boat rides, learning to swim, and loosing the most influential person in our life.

Not a day goes by that we do not talk about MomMom and say how much we miss her and love her. Today Jackson saw the angel on the tree and said "angel mommy, angel" I was cleaning up the toys in the front room and without looking up or stopping what I was doing I just said "Yes Jack, Angel". He then came over to me and said "MomMom Angel" and kind of looked at me for a response. He must have knew he said something that got my attention cause he got closer to my face and said "Mommy, okay?" That is what he usually says when he sees me crying. I do not know why he said what he said, what made him look up at the angel (which she is falling over...we need to take down our tree) or even act how he acted towards me after saying what was said. I am going to look at it as a first of I hope many times that MomMom comes to Jackson and I. It warmed my heart and even through the tears I smiled and was assured that she was proud of me and my little man.

I want this blog to be a document of all the happenings in our crazy and hectic life. I want it to be a time in my day that I look forward to and find the time to sit and put my thoughts on paper. I hope that one day Jackson will look back at this blog and be able to know what his childhood was like, and know the stories 1st hand the event that I am some day not here to tell him. Also what a great way to help ME remember, as I am already forgetting things about his 1st years that I thought I would NEVER forget.

I hope you enjoy following, reading or whatever it is called...

So far 7 days into the New Year, and I have a blog with an entry, looks like I am on my way to keeping a new years resolution! Ha don't jinx it right?!?!?!

I could not resist...I love this photo of him!!!
2years old

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