Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Burr, Mommy Jack's cold"

This was a wonderful weekend. We were able to escape to the cabin for an afternoon to play in the snow! I told Jackson Friday night that we would be going up with Papa, Daddy, Aunt Shannon and Baby Suri on Saturday to see the cabin and play in the snow. You should have seen his face...it lit up and his smile was ear to ear. He looked at me and said " Burr, Mommy Jack's cold." I just laughed as I could see his excitement and looked forward to seeing him actually play in the snow.

We left our house at 8am, stopped for the morning MUST...coffee from dutch brothers and then headed up to Papa's. Jackson would not stop talking about "Papa's snow..." That is all he said pretty much up until the moment we arrived in Forest Lakes. Once getting to Papa's house we transfered our car to Papa's truck (as Jackson calls it) and then headed up the hill.

We got to the snow around 11am. Jackson was amazed at all the white stuff. Justin and I got Jackson in his "snow gear" (thanks to Melissa letting me borrow Trenton's snow gear) We had him bundled like Chirstmas story...he could hardly walk, it was precious. Justin thought it was a little overboard...

Jackson enjoyed playing in the snow and sharing in Suri's 1st snow experience. She was bundled just like Jackson however you could not tell as much as she wasn't trying to walk around.

The purpose of the trip was to go up and of course play in the snow and get Papa's quad and trailer for his weekend hunting trips. We were able to get on the lot and get the quad out of the shed and hook up the trailer with no problems. Thank you to Colleen who scheduled someone to come in and clear the driveway!

After we got the trailer cleared off Daddy and Jackson were able to build a snowman. Jackson had a blast UNTIL his little hands got frozen from playing in the snow. I thought to myself, "Burr Mommy Jack's really cold now!" After playing for a little while and after nearly freezing the little man's hands off we loaded up Papa's truck and headed back down to the valley. Jackson and Suri were amazing for the long hours in the car (Suri more so than Jackson).

Weekends like this are the kinds of weekends I live for. The house cleaning can wait, the laundry will be there on Monday night and the rest of the weekend household chores will be pushed back to the next weekend.

I have the best family and I am sooo excited for Jackson and Suri to grow up together and remember the memories we make and look back on them and laugh.

Here are some of our photos from our snow day...

Miss Suri Rose...ALWAYS styling !!!

Jacksons 1st first steps in the snow...he fell over!

Shannon and Suri Rose

He spent a lot of time on the ground...UNTIL he got use to his "cabin feet" and was comfortable with walking in all his gear and on slick snow!

Aunt Shannon, Jackson and Suri Rose

"Cheesy Mom"

Finally a Photo of Jackson and ME...Mommy

"Lets go for a quad ride Papa...PLEASE"

Aunt Lindsay and Suri

pRiCeLeSs...Does not get better than this little face...

Papa and Jackson working hard to find the trailer bottom.I think Papa was more of the one working, however Jackson liked to pretend to help.
"my turn, my turn..."

"...Eat WHITE snow only Boys!!!"


Snuggle Time

Skinny Momma Shannon and Suri Rose...Wish I could say I looked this great 3 months post baby!
Way to go Shanny ;-)

Papa...working hard while we play... and take numerous photos!

Jackson and Daddy working on the trailer some more

Justin, you will thank me for this photo some day...there WILL come a day that you look back on this photo and say..."see honey, Look I did too have a waist!" ;-) PROMISE, everyone does at some point!
Looks like all the hard work made someone HOT...Nothing new, hes ALWAYS hot!

Jackson and Daddy

Working hard

BeSt bUdDiEs...forever!

There is always time for JUICE TIME!!!!
My little juice monster.

LOVE this photo, SNOT and all ;-)

can you tell someone is having FUN?!?!


"all fall down..." one of Jackson's new sayings!

Snowman Hayes in progress...what should we name him?...or HeR?!?!?!
Mommy is ALWAYS out numbered!

Snowball fight!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackson running after Mommy...of course Mommy takes photos and does NOT put down the camera!

Daddy doing the finishing touches...

Meet "Punk Rock Hayes!"

Hayes Family 2011

Kissing Punk Rock Hayes goodbye...

Jackson NOT wanting to get in the truck to go home, even with PURPLE frozen hands, he wanted to play in the snow more... :-( Sorry little Man.

Suri, is it hard being THIS beautiful?!?!?!

As you can see through all the photos this was the best weekend ever. Does not get better than, family, snow, photos and memories that will last a life time...I love you Jackson Ryan. PLEASE slow down and STOP growing so fast, you too Suri!!! ;-)

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