Friday, January 14, 2011

"Good night Mom Mom...miss you"

Yesterday I got a call from the CDC (child development center) telling me that I needed to come and get Jackson due to two "yucky, runny diapers". He was not feeling very well and must have had some stomach bug. I picked him up at 10:30am and headed home. I was looking forward to relaxing with him and snuggling my sick little man. We hung out together before I laid him down for a nap. While he napped I made over 3 dozen butter yums for Dana's daughters 1st birthday party which is on Sunday.
After Jackson woke up we ran a few errons and then came back home for dinner, a bath and then bed time.  Justin is working 4 days a week 10 hour shifts, so unfortunately he does not usually get home until after 8:30pm or 9pm. This allows for Mommy and Jackson time which I love, however I do miss family evenings together.
After bath time, our new night time routine is laying in Mommy and Daddy's bed and reading a Thomas the train book that his Great Grandpa got him for Chirstmas. It is very similar to the "Where is Waldo" books...I ask Jackson to find certain things on each page and he does! He has quite the memory and is very good at it. Sometimes, I admit I get lazy and don't ask him to find everything I usually do...yet he reminds me what I forgot!
After we went through the book 2 times, I turned off the lights and told Jackson it was time for bed. He did not fight this at all, he was tired.
While we were laying in bed he was doing his normal "good night mommy" and kissing my face all over. All the lights were off in the room, however there was light coming in from the hallway light. I could see his little face and his eyes getting heavy. Before he fell asleep Jackson looked up at the ceiling and whispered "Good night MomMom, Miss you" and put his hand to his mouth and kissed it and blew it up to the ceiling. I am sure you know what state this put me in...I had tears rolling down my face quicker than I ever thought possible. I could not believe that he would say this or do this on his own. Yet so incredibly proud and honored by my little man.
I told him that MomMom was very happy that he remembered to tell her good night and that she was watching over him. He just looked at me and said "Mommy ok, Mommy ok?" Oooo how I love this boy.
I am sooo happy that he still remembers MomMom, it warms my heart and makes me soooo happy, however still whenever he talks about her the tears just roll down my face.

So after I pulled it together, we said our prayers. While he was thanking Jesus for his family and friends Eta (our chocolate lab) started to snore. Jackson sat up and yelled..."Zoie, Eta...hush it" I burst into laugher ... even though we were praying. It was sooo funny, almost like he was upset that the loud snoring that Eta is famous for was interrupting his prayers to Jesus. Funny that whenever he goes to yell at either one of the dogs he says both of their names. I am guessing I need to start being more cautious of what I say to my hairy 4 legged girls... 

Soon after prayers were done, Jackson pulled the covers over both of our heads...he snuggled right up next to me and whispered "Night Mommy" and dozed off into la la land and was soon snoring himself...

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